The short definition of a bug (a.k.a. an issue) is something in your software that doesn’t do what you meant for it to do. This definition covers problems from data loss and system crashes to simple spelling errors.
A feature, on the other hand, is an improvement to an exist- ing product. Never let an overzealous sales or marketing group classify improvements as bugs, attempting to raise their favorite features to a higher priority.
At some point, you may not be able to run all the tests every time. Which tests should you pick to run continuously? Choose those tests that best exercise the code that is being actively developed.
But don’t fall into the trap that you can start developing without having a customer or start a project with- out planning. You can, but the chances of project success plummet.
Some of the members of your project team are not just assigned to your project but to other projects too. How do you estimate how long their work will take? You don’t. You can’t. Don’t even try.
Even if you’re not working on a time-pressured project, if you take too much time trying to get to just the “right” plan, it will become a time- pressured project.
Don’t try to plan the whole darn project at the beginning. You’ll be wrong, and you’ll be wasting time you could be spending removing obstacles so the project team can find their rhythm
The earlier in the project you provide a detailed schedule to your sponsors, the more likely they are to think that there is little or no risk in your project