murmur by 廷廷 (xdite)
  • People respond to a working exam- ple more often than to a lecture, no matter how good the concept.
    2009/12/02 01:02發表迴響
  • You want to have an in-house expert that the rest of the team can go to for questions, problems, and general “Am I doing this right?” hand-holding.
    2009/12/02 01:03發表迴響
  • When Not to Introduce a Practice
    2009/12/02 01:09發表迴響
  • Death March Project XDDDDDDDD
    2009/12/02 01:33發表迴響
  • 在這本書裡一直看到 租書店 專案的影子 ...快笑死了 XD
    2009/12/02 01:34發表迴響
  • 沒有 flash player 的詐騙集團!
    2009/12/02 01:45發表迴響
  • The short definition of a bug (a.k.a. an issue) is something in your software that doesn’t do what you meant for it to do. This definition covers problems from data loss and system crashes to simple spelling errors.
    2009/12/02 02:04發表迴響
  • A feature, on the other hand, is an improvement to an exist- ing product. Never let an overzealous sales or marketing group classify improvements as bugs, attempting to raise their favorite features to a higher priority.
    2009/12/02 02:04發表迴響
  • NotExist 剛剛在小房間裡面大哭:「原來我沒有被扣薪,我的薪水就是這麼少 >_<」
    2009/12/02 11:24發表迴響
  • 搜尋引擎比例這個月已經攀升到 27.34% ....
    2009/12/02 11:41發表迴響
  • 剛剛刷了三箱飲料放小房間...
    2009/12/02 15:27發表迴響
  • iphone 上 登入後,下載電子書竟然可直接導到 stanza.. 真棒
    2009/12/02 23:06發表迴響
  • 今天體力提早蒸乾,來睡...
    2009/12/02 23:08發表迴響
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