murmur by 廷廷 (xdite)
  • 等這些書都讀得差不多。就來定 safari books online ....
    2009/12/17 01:11發表迴響
  • evenwu 目前有陶一軒成癮症
    2009/12/17 10:42發表迴響
  • 這麼愛管就自己去管吧 :D
    2009/12/17 14:14發表迴響
  • 我的袖毯來了 喔耶 是 懶人毯 !!
    2009/12/17 14:48發表迴響
  • There’s only one fundamental rule to keep in mind: isolate others from the effect of your work until you are ready.
    2009/12/17 18:59發表迴響
  • 4096
    2009/12/17 19:03發表迴響
  • The short definition of a bug (a.k.a. an issue) is something in your software that doesn’t do what you meant for it to do. This definition covers problems from data loss and system crashes to simple spelling errors.
    2009/12/17 19:20發表迴響
  • A feature, on the other hand, is an improvement to an exist- ing product. Never let an overzealous sales or marketing group classify improvements as bugs, attempting to raise their favorite features to a higher priority.
    2009/12/17 19:20發表迴響
  • The feature can be assigned an appropriate priority if it is important. Reclassifying it as a bug simply pollutes the system.
    2009/12/17 19:21發表迴響
  • In the same vein, you should never work on anything that isn’t on a list with an assigned priority
    2009/12/17 19:23發表迴響
  • 又想到惡搞的點子 XDDD
    2009/12/17 19:52發表迴響
  • 這次來用 nokogiri 寫好了
    2009/12/17 19:59發表迴響
  • 來接 mad mimi ...
    2009/12/17 22:30發表迴響
  • ohya 真是太邪惡了 :D
    2009/12/17 22:59發表迴響
  • 寫完了。明天來掛 cron :D
    2009/12/17 23:24發表迴響
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